Armenian Population Subjected to Relocation

The numbers of the Armenians, subjected to relocation was controlled from their departure until their arrival, between June 9, 1915 and February 8, 1916. The figures below are taken from pertinent Ottoman documents (1)

. Transferred Remained
Adana (2) 14.000 15-16.000
Ankara (Central)(3) 21.236 733
Aydin(4) 250 -
Birecik(5) 1.200 -
Diyarbakir(6) 20.000 -
Dörtyol(7) 9.000 -
Erzurum(8) 5.500 -
Eskisehir(9) 7.000 -
Giresun(10) 328 -
Görele 250 -
Aleppo(11) 26.064 -
Haymana(12) 60 -
Izmir(13) 256 -
Izmit(14) 58.000 -
Kal’acik(15) 257 -
Karahisari sahib(16) 5.769 2nd 222
Kayseri(17) 45.036 4.911
Keskin 1.169 -
Kirsehir(18) 747 -
Konya(19) 1.900 -
Kütahya(20) 1.400 -
Mamuretülaziz(21) 51.000 4.000
Maras(22) - 8.845
Nallihan 479 -
Ordu 36 -
Persembe 390 -
Sivas(23) 136.084 6.055
Sungurlu 576 .
Sürmene 290 .
Tirebolu 45 .
Trabzon(24) 3.400 .
Ulubey 30 .
Yozgat(25) 10.916 .
TOTAL 422.758 32.766
. . .

On the other hand, in the telegraph sent by the Director of Immigrants and Tribe Placement, Sükrü Bey on October 18th 1915, notified that “the number of the Armenians transported to Aleppo was about 100.000, among these, 25.000 were settled in Rakka and Zor, 3000 were settled in the south of Aleppo and the remaining would be settled in Kerek and Havran surroundings (26).

Meanwhile, it is understood from the records that an Armenian population of 120.000 people gathered in Diyarbekir as of September 18th 1915 and an Armenian population of 136.084 people gathered in Cizre as of September 28th 1915 to be sent to Musul and Zor region (27). In a coded telegraph sent by Sükrü Bey from Nizip on November 3, 1915, it is expressed that transportation continued in a regular manner (28).

Among the population included as the displaced population in the list given herein above, but indicated not to have been transported yet, the ones in Adana have been transported to the new settlement regions later (29). Hence, the transported population and the population reaching the settlement region seem to be almost equal. The total of the immigrated population is 438.758 and the population safely arrived to new settlements is 382.148. (30)

Halacoglu, Prof. Dr. Yusuf, Facts Relating to the Armenian Relocation (1915), TTK Publication, Ankara, 2001.
1) DH, EUM. 2nd Branch, File 1, document 38, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 46, 47, 51, 55, 64 (see document 152, 185, 186, 187, 188, 189, 190, 191, 194, 200, 206).

2) DH. EUM. 2nd Branch, number.68/77 (Ek-XXII).

3) DH. EUM. 2nd Branch, number.68/77 (Ek-XXII).

4) DH. EUM. 2nd Branch, number.69/250.

5) DH. EUM. 2nd Branch, number.68/101.

6) In these documents the number of the Armenians of Diyarbakir is not mentioned. It was estimated that from this city 20.000 Armenians were relocated.

7) DH. EUM. 2nd branch, number.68/89.

8 ) Code. number. 54/162

9) DH. EUM. 2nd Branch, number.68/72nd

10) Giresun, Persembe, Ulubey, Sürmene, Tirebolu, Ordu ve Görele ayni vesikada verilmistir (Bkz. DH. EUM. 2nd Branch, number.68/41).

11) DH. EUM. 2nd Branch, number.68/76.

12) DH. EUM. 2nd Branch, number.68/66.

13) DH. EUM. 2nd Branch, number.69/260.

14) DH. EUM. 2nd Branch, number.68/67 (Ek-XXIV)

15) DH. EUM. 2nd Branch, number.68/79

16) DH. EUM. 2nd Branch, number.68/73.

17) DH. EUM. 2nd Branch, number.68/75 (Ek-XXV).

18) DH. EUM. 2nd Branch, number.68/66.

19) DH. EUM. 2nd Branch, number.69/34.

20) DH. EUM. 2nd Branch, number.68/93.

21) DH. EUM. 2nd Branch, number.68/70 (Ek-XXVII).

22) DH. EUM. 2nd Branch, number.68/41.

23) DH. EUM. 2nd Branch, number.68/84 (Ek-XXVII).

24) DH. EUM. 2nd Branch, number.68/41.

25) DH. EUM. 2nd Branch, number.68/66.

26) DH, EUM, 2nd Branch, 68/80

27)DH, EUM, 2nd Branch, 68/71; 2nd branch 68/84 (see document 192, 200).

28) DH, EUM, 2nd Branch, 68/101 (see document 217).

29) 26.064 Armenians in Aleppo included in the population subjected to the displacement application were not included in the immigrated Armenians. Since, the ones that reached to the new settlement region consisted of the Armenians sent from Anatolia. On the other hand, although it is notified that the number of the people that have come to Aleppo was approximately one hundred thousand (see DH, EUM, 2nd branch, 68/80), the population coming to that region has been taken to be 100.000.

30) DH.EUM, 2nd Branch, File 1, document 45/1-1 (see document 57).

See document 687.